Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Not *just* for girls...

Most of you probably already know that my husband and I only have boys, so when I opened this gorgeous, gorgeous kit for April, I was a little bit at a loss as to how to use it. I don't have a lot of access to photos of my grandmother, or the other ladies in my family - most of my photos are of our little family. As I worked away on this, I realized that I didn't have to have something pretty and feminine - that these papers suit all kinds of outdoor activities as well!

To make my photos pop a little more, I started by doing a selective recolor, turning everything black and white except for the boys with their dad, and the bubbles floating in the air. Since gray is a strong color in the kit as well, it worked perfectly! One of the other things I noticed along the way as I created this: the varnish on the papers makes it really easy to bend and shape {notice how my butterflies are curved up and out from my layout?}

Happy Hump Day! And I hope this gives you a little inspiration for using the kit!


  1. Awesome LO, Leah. I love the colors in the April Kit.

  2. these are GREAT colors for boys! thanks for sharing your ideas - and I love the butterfly touch - am seeing those LOTS these days - boys love them too! yahoo!!

  3. Gorgeous page and this kit does work for boys!!!



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