Sunday, February 15, 2009

Take note...

Every once in a while in our lifetimes, we experience those moments that we know are going to go down in history - those things we just know our kids are going to ask "Do you remember that, Mom?" Today I challenge you to take a moment and record your thoughts - I know that whatever your political leanings, you will have to agree that this was an historic moment for our country. So, I set a side a little time to record my thoughts and emotions that day.

I also printed out a copy of his inaugural address and included it in an envelope on the back side of the layout.

I guess in all my ramblings, the point I'd like to emphasize - we spend a lot of time recording the small {and large} moments in our families - our love for those around us, our heritage... what about some context for those things? What was going on around us at the moment? Were we happy go lucky without a care in the world?

We're living in rather turbulent times right now - lots of things are changing. And even though those things seem sharp and a little painful right now, time will fade those memories, and we'll try to recall just exactly what was going on at the moment. I think there are few recalled memories of my grandmother that intrigued me more than her accounts of living through the historical events of her lifetime - I also sat for hours listening to an "adopted" grandmother recount her experiences in London during WWII. What impressed me the most? It brought those times to life for me - and I admired how she spoke of what she'd learned... and I identified with her struggles.

So record your moments, the good and the bad, and you might be surprised, years from now... you'll want these memories, too!

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